Use Cases Of HALT And HASS
HALT is a product dependability test that puts it through its paces in order to find out how trustworthy it is and how fast it can be made. Electronic products often use HALT testing in the early phases of development. HALT testing allows for the collection of information that may be used to help find flaws and security holes in a product.
The High Accelerated Stress Screen, or HASS, is a screening test used in production that is derived from HALT's practical uses in industry. Engineers utilize the findings of these two tests to find ways to make their products more reliable.
These include electronic devices such as cell phones, PDAs, televisions, and printed circuit boards, as well as electronic components like resistors, capacitors, and diodes. The HALT/HASS method involves putting things through rigorous artificial testing under conditions that are meant to represent real-world usage as closely as possible while also exceeding those conditions. There are a number of conditions that may be found in HALT/HASS, including temperature cycling, repetitive shock, power margining, and power cycling.
Applicable To HALT/HAS
The Spider-101 from Crystal Instruments was developed for use in HALT/HASS environments. Four voltage/IEPE input channels are available on the Spider-101 modules in addition to temperature and humidity sensors. Various waveforms are available on the output channels, making it possible to drive an electro-dynamic shaker, hydraulic shaker, or pneumatic hammer. Six temperature control outputs and four humidity control outputs make the world's most potent HALT/HASS chamber. The Spider-101 has a digital I/O interface with isolated pins as well. Vibration ramps may be adjusted in every way, from the gRMS level to the test length to the temperature and humidity control profiles. Once the temperature has been stabilized, the temperature control is usually accurate to within +/- 0.5 C.