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How To Level Up Fast in Old School RuneScape

Oct 18

You can level up as quickly in Old School RuneScape, but there are many reasons to do so. Some people want the extra money while others find that they're more competitive with their friends and co-workers when it comes time for them to get on board at higher levels of progression. Whatever your personal reasoning may be - this guide will help you achieve this goal of leveling up your skills with little effort required!

You might think that by far the easiest thing to kill in OSRS is a chicken, but this isn't true. You can win without experience points if you play on a beginner level or do quests like Waterfall quest which are simple enough for anyone who has just started playing RuneScape.

The best way to level up in OSRS is by acquiring and using as much OSRS gold as possible.

Low to Mid-Level Skilling

If you're looking for some meat on your chin, then fossil island is the place to be. Ammonite Crabs have low Attack and Defense levels with just 100 HP but they can get crowded sometimes so AFKs are available if need be! This will help you level up your attack skills fast without doing much effort.

You'll find that there are Sand Crabs on Zeah. You need 5k coins just for the journey and their HP is only 60, but if other spots in this world prove too populated then they might be worth a try!

Leveling to Reach Level 99

For those looking to train their combat skills, the best spot is level 60-70 in Nightmare Zone. It's a safe minigame with no experience gains available for free! Using potions and other OSRS items will help you reach 99 much quicker than ever before--NMZ is one of those spots where it pays off big time if you're leveling up your stats anyways because it gives such high bonuses without requiring too many trips back home or spending hours running around killing monsters elsewhere in Gielinor.

The most effective way to defeat the NMZ is with Dharok's armor. You need to reduce your health points down close to 1 and drink an absorption potion before a battle starts so that you don't lose any of it while still doing maximum damage against him/her in combat!

The Obsidian armor and sword are a huge boost to your experience points, but if you don't currently own them they're well worth using whenever possible. This is because the best gear works just as great when levels up with some extra time invested in loot farming or grinding out levels from gameplay.